Aus unseren Projekten sind folgende Publikationen hervorgegangen:
AICHER, H., MÜLLER, F., GASSER, P. 2025. Further Education in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy – Experiences from Switzerland. BMC Medical Education
MÜLLER, F., SAUER, T., HÄNNY, C., MÜHLHAUSER, M., LANG, U.E. 2025. Suicide of a patient shortly after psilocybin-assisted psychedelic therapy: A case report. Psychiatry Research.
KRAEHENMANN, R., BACHMANN-HEINZER, R., BRUEHL, A., HAETTENSCHWILER, J., HASLER, G., HERDENER, M., HERWIG, U., HUBL, D., KEMTER, A., MUELLER, F., OBRICH, S., ROTA, F., VOGEL, M., WALTHER, S., SEIFRITZ, E. 2024. Schweizer Behandlungsempfehlungen Psychedelika-Therapie. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung.
AVRAM, M., FORTEA, L., WOLLNER, L., COENEN, R., KORDA, A., ROGG, H., HOLZE, F., VIZELI, P., LEY, L., RADUA, J., MÜLLER, F., LIECHTI, M., BORGWARDT, S. 2024. Large-scale brain connectivity changes following the administration of lysergic acid diethylamide, d-amphetamine, and 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine. Molecular Psychiatry.
VIZELI, P., STUDERUS, E., HOLZE, F., SCHMID, Y., DOLDER, P., LEY, L., STRAUMANN, I., BECKER, A., MÜLLER, F., ARIKCI, D., LIECHTI, M. 2024. Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological Predictors of the LSD Experience in Healthy Participants. Translational Psychiatry.
HOLZE, F., Liechti, M.E., MÜLLER, F. 2024. Pharmacological Properties of Psychedelics with a Special Focus on Potential Harms. Curr Top Behav Neurosci.
HOLZE, F., GASSER, P., MÜLLER, F., STREBEL, M., LIECHTI, M.E. 2024. LSD-assisted therapy in patients with anxiety: open-label prospective 12-month follow-up. Br J Psychiatry.
AICHER, H., DUFFOUR, C., LIECHTI, M.E., ZULLINO, D., ANGERBAUBER, M., BINSWANGER, J., BRAND, M., CALAME, A., CLAUS, M., HASLER, G., HEIN, O., HERWIG, U., LIAUDAT, V., MÜLLER, F., SCELLE, CH., SCHMID, Y., STYK, J., THOREN, G., WEIGLE, C., WOPFNER, A., GASSER, P. 2024. Treatment Recommendations for Psychedelic-assisted Therapy. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.
KRÄHENMANN, R., SEIFRITZ, E., BRÜHL, A., GASSER, P., HASLER, G., HERDENER, M., KEMTER, A., MÜLLER, F., OLBRICH, S., STYK, J., THORENS, G., VOGEL, M., WALTHER, S. 2023. Positionspapier: Medizinische Behandlungen mit Psychedelika. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung.
AVRAM, M., MÜLLER, F., & BORWARDT, S. 2023. Lysergic acid diethylamide: In search for the wonder drug. In D. Nutt & D. Castle (Eds.), Psychedelics As Psychiatric Medications. Oxford Psychiatry Library.
BEDFORD, B., HAUKE, D., WANG, Z., ROTH, V., NAGY-HUBER, M., HOLZE F., LEY, L., VIZELI, P., LIECHTI, M.E., BORGWARDT, S., MÜLLER, F. & DIACONESCU, A. 2023. The effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on whole-brain functional and effective connectivity. Neuropsychopharmacology.
MÜLLER, F. 2023. LSD als Therapeutikum in der Psychiatrie? Ärzte Zeitung.
MÜLLER, F. 2022. Behandlung der Alkoholabhängigkeit mit halluzinogenen Substanzen. Schweizer Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie & Neurologie.
ROGG, H., AVRAM, M., MÜLLER, F., ZIMMERMANN, C., JUNGHANNS, K., BORGWARDT, S. & ZUROWSKI, B. Z. 2022. Ketamine as a treatment option for severe Borderline Personality Disorder: A Case Report. The Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology.
HOLZE, F., GASSER, P., MÜLLER, F., DOLDER, P. C. & LIECHTI, M. E. 2022. Lysergic acid diethylamide-assisted therapy in patients with anxiety with and without a life-threatening illness A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase II study. Biological Psychiatry.
MCCULLOCH, D. E. W., KNUDSEN, G. M., BARRETT, F. S., DOSS, M. K., CARHART-HARRIS, R. L., ROSAS, F. E., DECO, G., KRINGELBACH, M. L., PRELLER, K. H., RAMAEKERS, J. G., MASON, N. L., MÜLLER, F. & FISHER, P. M. 2022. Psychedelic Resting-state Neuroimaging: A Review and Perspective on Balancing Replication and Novel Analyses. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.
AVRAM, M., MÜLLER, F., ROGG, H., KORDA, A., ANDREOU, C., HOLZE, F., VIZELI, P., LEY, L., LIECHTI, M. E. & BORGWARDT, S. 2022. Characterizing thalamocortical (dys)connectivity following d-amphetamine, LSD, and MDMA administration. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.
HOLZE, F., LEY, L., MÜLLER, F., BECKER, A. M., STRAUMANN, I., VIZELI, P., KUEHNE, S. S., RODER, M. A., DUTHALER, U., KOLACZYNSKA, K. E., VARGHESE, N., ECKERT, A. & LIECHTI, M. E. 2022. Direct comparison of the acute effects of lysergic acid diethylamide and psilocybin in a double-blind placebo-controlled study in healthy subjects. Neuropsychopharmacology.
MÜLLER, F., KRAUS, E., HOLZE, F., BECKER, A., LEY, L., SCHMID, Y., VIZELI, P., LIECHTI, M.E., BORGWARDT S. 2022. Flashback phenomena after administration of LSD and psilocybin in controlled studies with healthy participants. Psychopharmacology.
AVRAM, M., ROGG, H., KORDA, A., ANDREOU, C., MÜLLER, F., BORGWARDT, S. 2021. Bridging the gap? Altered thalamocortical connectivity in psychotic and psychedelic states. Frontiers in Psychiatry.
MASON, N.L., KUYPERS, K.P. C., RECKWEG, J.T., MÜLLER, F., TSE, D.H.Y., DA RIOS, B., TOENNES, S.W., STIERS, P., FIELDING, A., RAMAEKERS, J.G. 2021. Spontaneous and deliberate creative cognition during and after psilocybin exposure. Transl Psychiatry.
MÜLLER, F., HOLZE, F., DOLDER, P., LEY, L., VIZELI, P., SOLTERMANN, A., LIECHTI, M.E., BORGWARDT, S. 2020. MDMA-induced changes in within-network connectivity contradict the specificity of these alterations for the effects of serotonergic hallucinogens. Neuropsychopharmacology.
HOLZE, F., VIZELI, P., LEY, L., MÜLLER, F., DOLDER, P., STOCKER, M., DUTHALER, U, VARGHESE, N., ECKERT, A., BORGWARDT, S., LIECHTI, M.E. 2020. Acute dose-dependent effects of lysergic acid diethylamide in a double-blind placebo-controlled study in healthy subjects. Neuropsychopharmacology.
MÜLLER, F., MÜHLHAUSER, M., HOLZE, F., LANG, U.E., WALTER, M., LIECHTI, M.E., BORGWARDT, S. 2020. Treatment of a complex personality disorder using repeated doses of LSD - A case report on significant improvements in the absence of acute drug effects. Frontiers in Psychiatry.
MÜLLER, F., JOHNSON, M.W., BORGWARDT, S. 2020. Editorial: Hallucinogens and entactogens: Establishing a new class of psychotherapeutic drugs? Frontiers in Psychiatry.
MASON, N, KUYPERS, K., MÜLLER, F., RECKWEG, J., TSE, D., TOENNES, S., HUTTEN, N., JANSEN, J., STIERS, P., FIELDING, A., RAMAEKERS, J.G. 2020. Me, Myself, Bye: Regional alterations in glutamate and the experience of ego dissolution with psilocybin. Neuropsychopharmacology.
HOLZE F, VIZELI P, MÜLLER F, LEY L, DUERIG R, VARGHESE N, ECKERT A, BORGWARDT S, LIECHTI ME. 2019. Distinct acute effects of LSD, MDMA, and D-amphetamine in healthy subjects. Neuropsychopharmacology.
MÜLLER, F., BORGWARDT, S. 2019 Acute effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on resting brain function. Swiss Med Wkly.
HOLZE, F., DUTHALER, U., VIZELI, P., MÜLLER, F., BORGWARDT, S., LIECHTI, M. 2019. Pharmacokinetics and subjective effects of a novel oral LSD formulation in healthy subjects. Br J Clin Pharmacol.
MÜLLER, F., BRÄNDLE, R., LIECHTI, M.E., & BORGWARDT. 2018. Neuroimaging of chronic MDMA („ecstasy“) effects: A meta-analysis. Neurosci Biobehav Rev.
MÜLLER, F., LIECHTI, M.E., LANG, U.E., & BORGWARDT, S. 2018. Advances and challenges in neuroimaging studies on the effects of serotonergic hallucinogens: Contributions of the resting brain. Progress in Brain Research.
MÜLLER, F., DOLDER, P. C., SCHMIDT, A., LIECHTI, M. E. & BORGWARDT, S. 2018. Altered network hub connectivity after acute LSD administration. NeuroImage: Clinical.
SCHMIDT, A., MÜLLER, F., DOLDER, P. C., SCHMID, Y., ZANCHI, D., EGLOFF, L., LIECHTI, M. E. & BORGWARDT, S. 2017. Acute effects of methylphenidate, modafinil and MDMA on negative emotion processing. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol.
SCHMIDT, A., MÜLLER, F., LENZ, C., DOLDER, P. C., SCHMID, Y., ZANCHI, D., LANG, U. E., LIECHTI, M. E. & BORGWARDT, S. 2017. Acute LSD effects on response inhibition neural networks. Psychol Med.
MÜLLER, F., LENZ, C., DOLDER, P. C., LANG, U. E., SCHMIDT, A., LIECHTI, M. E. & BORGWARDT, S. 2017. Increased thalamic resting state connectivity as a core driver of LSD-induced hallucinations. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica.
DOLDER, P. C., GRUNBLATT, E., MÜLLER, F., BORGWARDT, S. J. & LIECHTI, M. E. 2017. A Single Dose of LSD Does Not Alter Gene Expression of the Serotonin 2A Receptor Gene (HTR2A) or Early Growth Response Genes (EGR1-3) in Healthy Subjects. Front Pharmacol.
DOLDER, P. C., MÜLLER, F., SCHMID, Y., BORGWARDT, S. J. & LIECHTI, M. E. 2017. Direct comparison of the acute subjective, emotional, autonomic, and endocrine effects of MDMA, methylphenidate, and modafinil in healthy subjects. Psychopharmacology (Berl).
SCHMIDT, A., MÜLLER, F., DOLDER, P. C., SCHMID, Y., ZANCHI, D., LIECHTI, M. E. & BORGWARDT, S. 2017. Comparative effects of methylphenidate, modafinil and MDMA on response inhibition neural networks in healthy subjects. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol.
MÜLLER, F., LENZ, C., DOLDER, P. C., HARDER, S., SCHMID, Y., LANG, U. E., LIECHTI, M. E. & BORGWARDT, S. 2017. Acute effects of LSD on amygdala activity during processing of fearful stimuli in healthy subjects. Transl Psychiatry.
DOLDER, P. C., SCHMID, Y., MÜLLER, F., BORGWARDT, S. & LIECHTI, M. E. 2016. LSD Acutely Impairs Fear Recognition and Enhances Emotional Empathy and Sociality. Neuropsychopharmacology.
MÜLLER, F., LENZ, C., STEINER, M., DOLDER, P. C., WALTER, M., LANG, U. E., LIECHTI, M. E. & BORGWARDT, S. 2015. Neuroimaging in moderate MDMA use: A systematic review. Neurosci Biobehav Rev.
SCHMID, Y., ENZLER, F., GASSER, P., GROUZMANN, E., PRELLER, K. H., VOLLENWEIDER, F. X., BRENNEISEN, R., MÜLLER, F., BORGWARDT, S. & LIECHTI, M. E. 2015. Acute Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Healthy Subjects. Biol Psychiatry.